How to cancel a flight and request a refund

In an era marked by the fluidity of travel plans, it becomes increasingly vital to comprehend the intricacies of flight cancellations and refund procedures., a prominent online travel agency, provides diverse flight booking options, each with its own regulations and directives. 

The objective of this guide is to elucidate the process of flight cancellation on, offering assistance to travelers in navigating the occasionally intricate terrain of refund policies and cancellation charges. 

Whether one is an experienced voyager or embarking on their maiden trip, this article endeavors to furnish individuals with the requisite knowledge to effectively manage flight cancellations and secure refunds in a methodical manner.

How to Cancel a Flight on

Canceling a flight can seem daunting, but makes the process straightforward. Here’s how you can do it:

Step 1. Log In to Your Account: 

Start by signing into your account. This is where all your bookings are stored.

Step 2. Access your booking: 

Navigate to the ‘My Bookings’ section to find the flight you wish to cancel.

Step 3. Choose your flight: 

Select the specific flight booking that needs cancellation.

Step 4. Review Cancellation Policy: 

Before proceeding, review the cancellation policy attached to your flight ticket. This will give you a clear understanding of any applicable fees and refund eligibility.

Step 5. Request Cancellation: 

Follow the prompts to submit your cancellation request. will guide you through each step.

Step 6. Confirmation: 

Once the cancellation is processed, you’ll receive a confirmation via email.

Step 7. Cancellation, Confirmation, and Refund Details: 

Following the cancellation, will issue a confirmation via email. This communication will include important details regarding your cancellation and information on the refund process, where applicable.

Step 8. Contact customer support if needed: 

Should you encounter any difficulties or require clarification on specific aspects of your cancellation,’s customer support is available to provide the necessary assistance.

Remember, the ease of cancellation and potential fees largely depend on the type of ticket you’ve purchased and how close you are to the departure date.

Understanding’s Cancellation Policies and Fees Before Booking

Before you even click the ‘Book’ button, it’s crucial to understand’s cancellation policies and potential fees. Here’s what you need to know: provides various fare categories, encompassing both refundable and non-refundable options. Non-refundable tickets typically come at a lower cost but entail limited flexibility in the event of cancellation. Refundable tickets, while pricier, provide more leeway if your plans change.

Different Types of Fares and Their Impact:

  • offers a variety of fare types, each with its own set of rules for cancellations.
  • Non-refundable tickets are typically cheaper but offer little to no flexibility for cancellations. Canceling these tickets often results in losing the entire cost of the fare.
  • Refundable Tickets: Generally more expensive, but provide the option to cancel with a full or partial refund.

Locating cancellation policies before booking:

  • When selecting a flight on, the cancellation policy is usually displayed alongside the flight details.
  • It’s important to click on the fare details or the “terms and conditions” link to read the specific cancellation policy related to the chosen fare.

Reading the fine print:

  • Pay attention to the fine print in the cancellation policy. Look out for any special clauses or conditions that might apply.
  • Certain promotions or special fares might have unique cancellation policies that differ from the standard ones.

Considering travel insurance:

  • If there’s a possibility your travel plans might change, consider purchasing travel insurance.
  • Travel insurance can offer additional protection and potentially cover cancellation fees under specific circumstances.

Impact of Time on Cancellation Fees:

  • The closer the cancellation is to the departure date, the higher the fees are likely to be. Early cancellations typically incur lower fees.

Contacting Customer Support for Clarity:

  • If any aspect of the cancellation policy is unclear, or if you have specific scenarios in mind, contacting’s customer support can provide clarity and additional information.
  • Finding the Policy: The cancellation policy for each fare type is clearly stated during the booking process.
  • Fee Structure: Be aware of the fee structure. Some tickets may have a flat cancellation fee, while others might charge a percentage of the ticket price.

By understanding these aspects of’s cancellation policies and fees before booking, travelers can make more informed decisions and select flight options that best suit their flexibility needs and budget considerations. This proactive approach can help mitigate financial risks and ensure a more stress-free travel experience.

Reviewing Cancellation Policies and Fees After Booking

Even after you have booked your flight, it’s important to stay informed about the cancellation policies:

1. Accessing Policy Details: 

You can review the cancellation policy for your booked flight in your account. This information is typically included in the booking details or the confirmation email.

2. Variations in Policy: 

Remember, cancellation terms may vary depending on changes, like flight date alterations or upgrades in fare types. Always double-check these details if you’ve made changes to your booking.

3. Common Misconceptions: 

One common mistake is assuming that all tickets have a standard cancellation fee. The reality is that fees can vary greatly, so it’s essential to check the specifics of your booking.

4. Navigating Common Misconceptions: 

Customers often assume a uniformity in cancellation policies across different bookings, which is different. Each airline and fare type can have unique policies, and understanding these differences is essential to avoid unexpected charges or issues.

5. Contacting Customer Support for Clarifications: 

If the cancellation policy is unclear or if there are specific questions regarding the fees, customers are advised to contact’s customer support. This ensures that any doubts are clarified, providing a clear understanding of the policy before proceeding with the cancellation.

Cancel a Flight on

Eligibility for Refunds After Canceling a Flight

Refunds are a key consideration when canceling a flight.

  • Refund Conditions: Refund eligibility depends on several factors, including the type of ticket, the time of cancellation, and the reason for cancellation.
  • Refund Process: To request a refund, follow the prompts provided by after canceling your flight. Be prepared to provide the necessary documentation or information.
  • Processing Time: The time it takes to process a refund can vary. generally outlines this in their policy, but it’s good to have realistic expectations about the time frame.’s 24-Hour Flight Cancellation Policy offers a 24-hour cancellation policy for certain bookings, which is particularly beneficial:

  • Policy Details: This policy allows you to cancel a booking without penalty if done within 24 hours of the purchase, provided the flight is at least a week away.
  • Benefits: This feature is especially helpful if you make a mistake in your booking or if your plans change suddenly soon after booking.
  • Limitations: Be aware of any limitations of this policy. For instance, it may not apply to all fare types or last-minute bookings. Flight Cancellation Fees: What to Expect

Understanding potential cancellation fees is crucial in managing your travel budget:

  • Fee Overview: Cancellation fees on vary based on factors like fare type, destination, and proximity to the departure date.
  • Calculating Fees: Some fees are a percentage of the ticket price, while others might be a flat rate. Check the specifics for your booking.
  • Minimizing Fees: To potentially reduce these fees, consider canceling as early as possible or choosing a fare with more flexible cancellation terms.

FAQs on Canceling a Flight on

Q1: How do I find out the cancellation policy for my flight?

A1: The cancellation policy for your flight can be found in the booking details section of your account. It’s also provided when booking and in your booking confirmation email.

Q2: Is it possible to cancel a part of my booking, like one leg of a round trip?

A2: The ability to cancel part of your booking depends on the airline’s policy and the type of ticket you have. Check the specific terms or contact customer service for guidance.

Q3: Are there any exceptions to’s cancellation policies during extraordinary circumstances like a pandemic?

A3: During extraordinary circumstances, such as a pandemic, and airlines may offer more flexible cancellation policies. It’s best to check the latest updates on or contact their customer service for the current policies.

Q4: Does charge an additional fee for flight cancellations on top of the airline’s fees?

A4: may charge a service fee for processing the cancellation, in addition to any airline-imposed fees. It’s important to review the total cost of cancellation before proceeding.

Q5: What happens if cancels my flight?

A5: If cancels your flight, they will typically offer a full refund or alternative travel arrangements. You should receive communication from with details on how to proceed.


Navigating flight cancellations and refunds on doesn’t have to be a complex affair. By understanding the various policies and fees in advance, you can make informed decisions and handle any changes to your travel plans with ease. Always remember to review the specific terms for your booking and reach out to’s customer service for any unique queries or concerns.

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